

Address:Armenia, 0064, Yerevan, 111 Raffi str.
Telephone:+ (374 10) 738323
+ (374 10) 741140
Fax:+ (374 10) 743750
Electrochemical facing
On the basic platform of shop are located seven " wet technological lines ": 1. A line of degreasing and zinc phosphatisation. 2. A line of firm chromium plating. 3. A line of nickel plating. 4. A line of zinc-plating(galvanizing) of a drum-type. 5. A line of zinc-plating for large-sized details. 6. A line of anodizing 7. A line of a decorative covering aluminum silicate? Details "Алохром" Work of all lines, excluding presses 8 loadings and unloadings of components, Are fully-automated and copes by microprocessors GEM80 all Means for performance of works under handles of managements.
Consists: Installation zinc phosphate coating Installation of firm chrome-plating and clearing Installation of nickel plating Line of sour zinc plating - drum-type system Line of sour zinc plating - system of a flying bar Line of sulphate anodizings Installation of process "Алокром" Installation of processing of drains with the combined system of water recirculation The equipment fully-automated, work under management programmed microprocessors.