

Address:Armenia, 0064, Yerevan, 111 Raffi str.
Telephone:+ (374 10) 738323
+ (374 10) 741140
Fax:+ (374 10) 743750
Contract production
Printed Circuit Boards Preparation Designing Arrangement

PCB manufacture
We are glad to offer You the folowin services: PCB manufacture of all types ( one-layer , double layer, multi-layer , flexible PCB and combined PCB). The main advantages of cooperation with “RAO Mars” are as follows: Order in-line processing Minimum first cost Only high-quality materialis are used for PCB manufacture. The PCB-s manufactured by the CSC “RAO Mars” meet great demand among customers. Mounting of PCB with electronic components and without them , PCB manufactured by “RAO Mars’’ for the the well-known produces of electronic equipment among which rank: CSC “Mshak”( Yerevan), Power supply Institute ( Obninsk, Russian Federation), OSC “ Mikroline’’ ( Nijniy Novgorod), OSC “ Bikom” ( city of Tagarog), OSC “ Elektroprivod” ( Moscow) and others. It 2004 CSC ‘RAO Mars” was awarded with with conclusion by the central certifying body “ Voenelektronsert” in accordance with the demands GOST ISO 9001-2001 for PCB product design and manufacture capabilities in the “RAO Mars” plant. ...>>